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EVA Accurately Predicts Drop of Coal Inventories in its Monthly Coal Stockpile Report

On Friday, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) released official statistics of the U.S. electric power sector for the month of August as part of its EIA Form-923 reporting. As reported in EIA’s 923 data, coal inventories at U.S. coal-fired power plants dropped below 90 million tons amid higher coal plant utilization rates and a […]

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EVA releases new Monthly Renewable Energy Outlook

Energy Ventures Analysis is pleased to introduce its newly revamped Monthly Renewable Energy Outlook. The Monthly Renewable Energy Outlook is a comprehensive report covering the entire U.S. renewable energy space. Highlights include recent policy updates, recently completed renewable energy projects, the current status of the combined and individual Interconnection Queues for the seven major U.S. […]

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NGSA and EVA publish Natural Gas Market Outlook for Winter 2021-2022

The Natural Gas Supply Association (NGSA) and Energy Ventures Analysis (EVA) released the Natural Gas Market Outlook report for Winter 2021-2022.  Highlights include forecasts for gas production, Canadian gas imports, power burns and economical switching, industrial demand, LNG exports, Mexican gas exports, and end-of-winter season storage scenario analysis. U.S. natural gas market became significantly tighter […]

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Understanding 45Q: The Carbon Capture Tax Credit

With several states and a number of utilities adopting decarbonization goals, carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) and carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) may find a role in an energy transition as coal and gas plants retrofitted with either technology could continue to operate. What is the 45Q tax credit? 45Q is a performance-based tax […]

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Federal investigation spurs H.B. 6 repeal efforts and potential upside for gas

Ohio H.B. 6 repeal in the works following allegations of bribery Two Ohio House Democrats – Reps. Mike Skindell and Mike O’Brien – announced in a press release on Wednesday, July 22, that they will immediately introduce a bill to repeal House Bill 6, the controversial law passed a year ago that provides ratepayer-funded subsidies […]

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California’s Natural Gas Challenge

California finding it difficult to get past natural gas In late 2019, Southern California Edison released “Pathway 2045”, its report on how the utility will meet the state’s aggressive carbon reduction mandates.  Just over a year earlier, then-Governor Gavin Jerry Brown (D) signed into law S.B. 100, which accelerated the state’s existing renewable portfolio standard […]

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Biden’s energy plan touts significant investment in clean technology as key to job growth, security

Former Vice President and presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden, Jr. this week released an outline of his wide-ranging clean energy plan that includes $2 trillion of investments in everything from infrastructure and transit to housing and agriculture.  Biden says the plan is designed to spur job growth, drive American innovation, and “build a […]

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Forbes Ranks EVA Among Top Energy Consulting Firms in 2020

In its annual ranking of management consulting companies, Forbes ranked EVA as one of the leading firms in the Energy and Environment category. The rankings are based on surveys of more than 7,500 partner or executive level consultants and more than 1,000 senior executives who have worked with firms in the consulting industry. EVA is honored […]

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COVID-19 and Mild Weather Combine to Suppress Electricity Demand

COVID-19 and Mild Weather Combine to Suppress Electricity Demand Electricity demand in the continental U.S. since the beginning of the year has been sharply lower than during the same period in 2019, though the response to the ongoing COVID-19 virus pandemic is only partially to blame.  Demand across the six largest centrally-dispatched markets – PJM, […]

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COVID-19 and Possible Economic Demand Destruction

Let’s talk about the 6-ton elephant in the room, economic demand destruction. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and simultaneous oil price war have joined forces to drive a sector-wide commodity sell-off.  As cities and states across the U.S. have begun issuing unprecedented measures to contain the spread of the virus (today, Governor Cuomo of New York […]
