Energy Ventures Analysis is pleased to introduce its newly revamped Monthly Renewable Energy Outlook. The Monthly Renewable Energy Outlook is a comprehensive report covering the entire U.S. renewable energy space. Highlights include recent policy updates, recently completed renewable energy projects, the current status of the combined and individual Interconnection Queues for the seven major U.S. ISOs, and EVA’s short-term renewable energy capacity outlook by major U.S. power market.
The Monthly Renewable Energy Outlook is accompanied by an excel data file, which includes EVA’s short-term renewable energy capacity outlook by major U.S. power market (including high and low cases), the complete combined current Interconnection Queue for the seven major U.S. ISOs, as well as the monthly and annual generation and capacity mix by major U.S. power market.
You can find a complimentary copy of the Monthly Renewable Energy Outlook here. For any questions, comments, or if you’d like more information on the report, please contact us at [email protected].