EVA Releases Most Recent Quarterly LNG Outlook

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EVA Releases Most Recent Quarterly LNG Outlook

EVA Releases Most Recent Quarterly LNG Outlook

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EVA is pleased to release the most recent issue of its Quarterly LNG Outlook, which provides a deep but concise dive into the global LNG industry. Special focus is given to the ongoing development of U.S. LNG export projects, but global issues—including crucial shifts in pricing dynamics—are explored in-depth, as well. The report includes short-term (3-year), country-by-country supply and demand forecasts, as well as insight into the main trends impacting each region.

Subscribers also gain access to EVA’s comprehensive LNG Database, which includes detailed information on every existing, under construction and proposed LNG import and export project in the world. The database also provides historical import/export data by country, as well as long-term future supply/demand forecasts by country. For more information, and to download a free copy of the report, check out our LNG page below. You can also contact our lead LNG analyst, Dustin Meyer, at [email protected].


Quarterly LNG Outlook
